Why does NatGold only recognize certified gold resources and not certified gold reserves when determining tokenization ratios?
The essence of NatGold’s valuation lies in its innovative approach to digital mining, which capitalizes on the inherent value of gold’s existence rather than its physical retrievability. This method relies on the assessment of certified gold resources, which quantify the presence of gold irrespective of its extraction feasibility. Conversely, certified gold reserves evaluate the economic viability of extracting these resources, a consideration irrelevant to NatGold’s mission. The International NatGold Council upholds a philosophy that sidesteps the environmentally and financially costly process of physical extraction in favor of a more sustainable, digital approach.
By choosing to tokenize gold based on its certified existence, NatGold challenges the traditional mining paradigm, rendering the debate over extraction viability moot. This shift not only aligns with environmental conservation efforts but also redefines the utility of gold as a store of wealth. It renders the act of extracting gold only to secure it in vaults both illogical and wasteful. Through digital tokenization, NatGold ensures that gold can fulfill its monetary role while remaining undisturbed in the earth, showcasing a practical commitment to ESG principles and making a clear case for the absurdity of conventional extraction methods.
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