Why Must NatGold Legislation Ensure Perpetual-Like Protection for Titles?
Perpetual or perpetual-like title protection in NatGold legislation is vital to ensure that NatGold coins, which are backed by certified green gold resources, remain a reliable store of value. Traditional mining titles are generally issued by governments for fixed periods, such as 20 or 30 years, allowing companies to explore and exploit subsurface mineral rights. However, for a monetary asset like NatGold coins, the backing asset—certified gold resources—must not expire. Money, unlike perishable goods, should not have a shelf life.
Perpetual title protection ensures that the value represented by NatGold coins is enduring and stable, thereby upholding the monetary integrity of NatGold as a dependable and long-lasting store of value. This approach aligns with the foundational principles of sustainable and ethical finance, ensuring that NatGold remains a viable and attractive option for investors and stakeholders in the long term.
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